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Featured ideas & updates / Elstarigitaj ideoj k aktualigoj
- In 2024 Q1 and Q2: A post at least once every 2 weeks. / En la unua kaj dua kvaronoj de 2024: Almenaŭ po unu afiŝo en ĉiu semajnduo.
- In the first half of 2024, there were 4 2-week periods in which no blog post appeared. (In my defense, I was writing most of / finishing a novel.) To make up for this, on 30 June 2024 I uploaded 5 posts (1 for the last 2-week period of Q2, and 4 for the missing weeks). For Q3, there will be at least one post per month, which will ideally give me time to work over some longer and higher-quality posts. / En la unua duono de 2024, estis 4 semajnduoj en kiuj neniu blogero aperis. (Defende min, mi estis verkanta la plejparton de / finanta romanon.) Por kompensi ĉi tion, la 30-an de Junio 2024 mi alŝutis 5 blogerojn (1 por la lasta semajnduo de la dua kvarono de 2024, kaj 4 por la semajnduoj, al kiuj eseoj mankis). Por la tria kvarono, estos almenaŭ po unu afiŝo en ĉiu monato, kio ideale donos al mi la tempon por prilabori longajn kaj pli altkvalitajn blogerojn.
CSS is ... under construction while I figure out how to make the TOCs look nice and have nested numbering.Should be fixed.
- 2024-01-03 (!): RSS: An RSS feed has been created / RSS-fluo nun ekzistas / Se ha creado un feed RSS / kulupu lipu ni li ken pana e lipu sin kepeken nasin ilo RSS
- I have read AGI Safety From First Principles and have thus been convinced that AGI safety is worth investigating.
- I am concerned about Ukraine (link 1, link 2, obviously very bad news), including harm to civilians (which probably constitutes war crimes and possibly constitutes genocide but is bad even if it doesn't) by Putin's forces in Ukraine, as well as the tenuous situations of refugees; there are probably other issues I'm not thinking of. I want to find ways to help solve this (or other problems that cause at least equal amounts of suffering) but am not sure how to approach it. Send ideas to me, probably via my idea form, although, if you have access to people with more knowledge/power than I have, obviously talk to those people first.
- Things that are not the latest war also involve large amounts of suffering, and the suffering of the current crisis is probably roughly commensurate with long-term trends, e.g., malaria or Third World poverty. Thus, I'm also still searching for opportunities to solve other large problems.
- Climate change is probably getting a little less attention than it should be getting.
Featured posts / Elstarigitaj afiŝoj
- Soulless systems & their relation with simple sabotage
- MDR-TB: A summary of the endTB trial results; potential opportunities for cost-effective altruism? (also on the EA Forum)
- Bonaj ftizaj (tuberkulozaj) novaĵoj (2024.01.06)
- Moral injury, modern bureaucracy, and “just following orders”: Act as though responsibility does not diffuse.
- Covid paper reviews: My reviews of Covid preprints (seeking feedback)
Categories / Kategorioj
Bureaucracy | Complacency | Soulless systems
Q&A / Demandoj kaj respondoj
- Is tuberculosis treatment cost-effective altruism? → Maybe! / Ĉu kuraciloj kontraŭ tuberkulozo/ftizo povas kontribui al kostefika altruismo? → Eble!
- Can I change the world around me? → Yes, by observing the world to see how it actually works!
- How do I increase/decrease my word count without having to add/delete large chunks of text? → Glad you asked!
- What are some overlooked design aspects of mechanical pencils and should I buy the Paper Mate Write Bros. ones? → Even though they are named after the Wright Brothers, probably don’t buy them if you want to use a mechanical pencil for a long time; for design, more here.
- How do I get to understand politics or another field I’m interested in? → Consume lots of information!
- Where do I get the information? → Glad you asked!
- How do I live a meaningful life? → I think part of it involves doing something you care about, and doing it well.
- And how does that relate to WWII sabotage? → Here you go!
- Should I ask for help? → Maybe try and see if you can avoid it sometimes.
- What does the learning curve look like if one switches one’s keyboard layout? → For me, it looked like this.
All posts / Ĉiuj afiŝoj
- My QWERTY→Dvorak data
- On asking for help
- Give me freedom from quotidian burdens (and/)or give me increased soci(et)al acceptance of the idea of a serving class
- Simple sabotage & soulless systems
- Soulless systems
- How to understand politics (or anything else)
- Against against cars
- Mechanical pencil review: Paper Mate Write Bros.
- Gods of beauty, gods of power
- Aesthetic morality as theodicy
- there is poetry in the city
- Don’t black-box the outlets!
- Types of Internet-fuelled democratization of information sharing
- Ways to change your word count without modifying your text’s meaning
- MDR-TB: A summary of the endTB trial results; potential opportunities for cost-effective altruism? (also on the EA Forum)
- Bonaj ftizaj (tuberkulozaj) novaĵoj (2024.01.06)
- Making capitalism livable: Social democracy addresses three major failures of capitalism
- Inquisitorial and adversarial ways of seeking truth
- Moral injury, modern bureaucracy, and “just following orders”: Act as though responsibility does not diffuse.
- WHO recommendations and the information underclass: Banning misinformation is really banning what you consider misinformation, or are incentivized to consider misinformation, and it's not as straightforward as it seems; plus, implications for the formation of two-tiered societies
- Crocker's rules / la reguloj de Crocker / las reglas de Crocker / nasin toki sona: An information-optimized communication protocol / komunikadprotokolo optimumigita por informoj / un protocol de comunicación optimizado por información / jan li kepeken nasin toki sona la, jan ante li ken pana e sona mute tawa ona kepeken tenpo lili
- Mistake theory and the scientific mindset
- Long-term trends v. the 24-hour news cycle: A simple mathematical theory about the myopia of the news cycle, and the beginnings of a suggestion on how to change it
- Intellectual property kills: A utilitarian argument against artificial monopolies
- Covid paper reviews: My reviews of Covid preprints
- Why? / Kial? / ¿Porqué? / tan seme?: Purposes of this blog / celoj de ĉi tiu retejo / propósitos de este sitio / lipu ni li lon tan seme?
About / Pri / Sobre / nasin lipu
- Why? / Kial? / ¿Porqué? / tan seme?: Purposes of this blog / celoj de ĉi tiu retejo / propósitos de este sitio / lipu ni li lon tan seme?
- Meta-reference notes / Notoj pri nomado / Notas sobre mención / o toki e jan pi lipu ni lon nasin ni
Meek young men grow up in libraries believing it their duty to accept the views which Cicero, which Locke, which Bacon have given, forgetful that Cicero, Locke and Bacon were only young men in libraries when they wrote those books.
—Ralph Waldo Emerson